Profile PictureVince Ceniceros

28 Day RESULTS Program

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28 Day RESULTS Program 

"Full Package Edition"

What You're Getting

** 3 - 30min KettleBell Workout

** 1 - 5-10 round 500/1000 plus Reps Brutal Dumbbell Workout

** 1 - 30min Workout i Call "5 Mins"

** 1 - 30min Extreme Results Class Style Training

** 1- 30min BodyWeight REPS Workout

** 1 - 30min Med Ball Workout

** 1 - 30min Treadmill Workout

** 1 - Battle Ropes Workout

** 1 - TRX Workout

** 1 - Resistance Band Workout 

** 1 - Core Workout

** ER2GO 16min Workout

** ER2GO 30min Workout


** 50 Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes

** Where Do i Get My "Protein" eBook

** 28 Daily Instructional Power Point Book

Mind Blowing Results Will Follow, If You Follow The Program!

That My Guaranteed and Promised By Me Personally! 

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The last 10 pounds is taking the longest to shed, right? The not-so-surprising reason is….. Busyness and fatigue make it hard to find time to exercise, which is why you need more rapid loss, correct? 61% of new moms said they expected to be back down to their pre-pregnancy weight by their baby's first birthday but 60% of moms with 1 to 2 year-olds are still carrying at least 10-15 pounds. I know you feel like the post-baby bulge is frustratingly hard to lose. But we’re going to change that misconception. For most people, the weight doesn't just melt off, you have work for it. Even the celebrities who lose the weight within three months have to work out regularly. Usually for extended amounts of time measured in hours, not minutes, which means getting outside help with the baby – and crazy diets to do it. It's hard for pretty much everyone. New moms who struggle with their weight including those of whom it's been a lifelong issue manage to get not just thinner in the post-baby era but healthier than they've ever been doing this program. Whatever the state of your body these days, you've got plenty of company. You assumed that losing your baby fat would be much easier to lose than it really is, right? You thought you would be back to your old shape within days, right? You even brought your old clothes to wear home from the hospital then had to ask your husband to bring your maternity clothes from home, right? You weigh the same or less after your pregnancy, but your clothes will fit differently, right? You weigh less now, but wear a larger size? I bet you’re surprised by the way pregnancy has reconfigured your body; but don’t be because you're not alone. 87% of women’s stomachs still haven’t returned to normal. It’s been 1/2/3 years and your belly still hasn't returned to normal, right? Your breasts are different now? You have wider hips? You have that post-baby tummy “mommy fluff”? You have that “bulbous tire around your middle”? I’ve heard it called so many things over 15 years! The good news: You CAN regain your old muscle tone and even develop muscle you never had before no matter how old you are. And it doesn’t take the time you’d expect to wait for your stomach to start looking recognizable and toned. And that's with 30 minute exercises, sit-ups and adapting real healthy eating habits. You’ve been told it’s definitely tougher to shed the pounds if you gained more than the recommended amount, right? That’s a lie, it’s no different than any other extra weight. Guaranteed you were told to eat whatever you want! Big mistake! Do you want to gain 40/50/60 pounds?! Or did you gain that much? The women I’ve trained during pregnancy gained just 20/25 pounds at MOST, and feel great throughout the pregnancy and returned to pre-pregnancy weight within 60 days or less! I know the extra weight is a big challenge for you and you've got lots of company there. More than 50% of woman still carrying around that 10/15 extra pounds 2-3 years later and have tried everything to get rid of it, sadly now believing they never will lose it. There's no point in beating yourself up about how much you gained when you were pregnant or this baby weight you can’t get rid of….. Instead, let’s start focusing on getting healthier and move forward to a beautiful you! This mommy metabolism myth is bullshit! That losing weight after a baby is harder, don’t believe that BS. It’s not your metabolism that slows down in the postpartum months, IT’S YOU! When was the last time you had 30 mins to workout? Getting in the way of your good intentions and healthy habits are the stress and fatigue that come with caring for a baby and that triggers for repeated trips to the cookie jar and snacks, right? Correct me if I’m wrong….. “You feel like your body has a new set point now," "Before, you never had to watch your weight because you were always the same, no matter what” That hasn't changed – except that you're 10/15/20 pounds heavier. 85% of the moms who are overweight 1-2 years later blame pregnancy for their weight problem. Those of you with more than 1 baby….. Your body hung on to more fat with each child, correct? You read or have been told moms in their 30s and 40s are less likely to get back into their old jeans, right? FALSE! If you've got 60 pounds to lose versus 20, it feels impossible, Right?! BUT IT’S NOT! Just know there's no biological reason it's harder to lose weight after your 3rd child than after your 1st. It’s all mental, you need to tune in to your body and eat when hungry, not diet! I know and understand all the changes can take a major toll on your self-esteem. You were told your body was gonna bounce back by friends and family members, and were devastated when it didn’t. Unfortunately your body image has gotten worse since you became a mother, correct? Then you’re bombarded with the moms on social media with low-rise jeans with a perfectly flat tummy in her 40s & 50s who had her twins nine months ago, right? That’s a celebrity mom, and you can guarantee is a tummy tuck, an expensive personal trainer and professional editing on their pictures. But with you regular moms, it seems more like it’s impossible, Huh? The new mom's body image doesn't really get any better unless you get better. Even that lucky few who lose the baby weight quickly may have a rough time accepting themselves. You see that pregnancy pooch and it leaves you feeling anything but beautiful. You’re at the lowest weight you’ve ever been as an adult yet you’re the least comfortable with your body, right? You probably felt self-conscious in the first few weeks after delivery because people would look immediately at your abdomen and you felt like you could hear them think, “Has she lost the baby weight”? THE TRUTH IS You can get to a weight you feel comfortable with even if you've packed on the pounds. It’s simple when you have the perfect routine to be happy with the way you look. When you have the ingredients to a perfected weight loss recipe duplicating the process, it’s simple. And losing fat the healthy way, that way you have a better chance of keeping it off. If pregnancy didn’t inspire you to eat healthier, motherhood should. It’s time to stop the yo-yo diets. Arriving at motherhood inspiration to change how you eat for good. Did you grow up with a mom who was overweight? and think “I don’t want to be like that,” "I want to be able to run around and play with my kids”? You want to be in better shape after bringing a beautiful baby into the world.

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28 Day RESULTS Program

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